Season 2023

MAG&M Exhibitions

The 2023 Sydney Chamber Music Festival concerts correspond with these MAG&M exhibitions.

Jumaadi: At the End (My Love) Nature Wins

This is the first in a new series of exhibitions working with contemporary artists to help re-define our understanding of the diverse communities that now call the Northern Beaches home.

Jumaadi’s practice explores themes such as love, nature, belonging, migration, and displacement while frequently drawing on his own experiences as an immigrant living in Australia. His art is deeply rooted in his Indonesian heritage, and often incorporates traditional motifs and symbols in the works – demonstrating the power of cross-cultural collaboration and the ability of art to transcend borders and boundaries.

Click here for more information about this exhibition.


Heather + Kate Dorrough: Lineage

In conversations across time, the multi-disciplinary works of mother and daughter Heather and Kate Dorrough explore the nexus between the arts and crafts movements, female creative lineage, body and landscape, river and fertility, and environmental issues and activism. This dynamic contemporary exhibition encompasses fibre art, paintings, prints, ceramics, sculpture and video.

Click here for more information about this exhibition.